Geek Squad @ ELLSA2017

Last weekend saw SSIS hosting yet another conference this year. ELLSA 2017 was the 4th annual international school EAL network conference in Asia which created a network of teachers from the region, to connect, collaborate, and advocate for the teachingand learning of EAL students. Participants attended workshops offered by leaders in the field of EAL.

Once more the Geek Squad was asked to provide tech support for the conference, and how could they say no?


I felt so proud watching this group of students leading tech support and coordination throughout the #ELLSA2017 conference. Student leadership at its finest!

Beyond the regular tech support and troubleshooting tasks, the Geek Squad was tasked with managing social networking and create an end-of-conference video.

And these kids are not only good with tech. Watch their signature dance performed on stage during the closing ceremony.

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