Finally Apple has opened up the applications for ADE in Vietnam and over the last couple of weeks I’ve been working on my 2015 Apple Distinguished Educator Application.
As part of my application for the ADE program I had to upload a two minutes video showcasing innovative use of technology in the classroom. That really was a daunting tasks. Showcasing all the work done by my students along the years and the strategies that I use integrating technology in the classroom in just two minutes was harder than I expected.
Getting my application selected and having the opportunity to join the 2015 ADE Institute has been at the very top of my professional goals for the year.
Hopefully at the end of the process I will be selected. Wish me luck!
Good luck too to all the educators who submitted an ADE applications this year.
Here id my ADE Application Video. I edited it using Final Cut Pro X and GarageBand.